
National Blue economy

The term Blue Economy refers to OACM’s operational global ethical guidelines and operational processes conducted globally which requires OACM to create jobs and income opportunities for local residents in countries and areas of operations and overflow of funds approved by the government back into the state economy.

National Blue economy

In all global operations, OACM responsibly and ethically maintains these principles to safeguard OACM members’ national interests which in long term collaboration provide all stakeholders with mutual benefits and economic prosperity while maintaining the healthy balance of the natural resources and social welfare. All this can make a meaningful contribution to people’s lives and our planet.

Development of the future Blue Economy

OACM developed new strategies and methods with its members to integrate the Blue Economy principle into other segments of both environmental and economic aspects which are the very essence of the SOS CP system, in order to be more effective and efficient in global integration and natural resource preservation. The OACM team of financial, business, marketing and environment experts has created an alliance within the OACM research and development department in order to invent and launch future sustainability solutions that can be integrated globally based on the Blue Economy principles. There can be no future for humankind if we don’t develop new strategies in combining these terms: environment, economy, natural resources, with the Blue Economy and circular economy in our process of business evolution.

Humankind must adapt its philosophy according to the times and the challenges - this mostly refers to the environment. OACM provides a fast-paced thinking outside of the box and generates a new breed of young human capital with the right type and level of education, training and experience available at all skill levels to integrate the environment into main business-focused models.

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