
Corporate collaboration & SOS CP utilization

OACM unites the corporate sector in a close collaboration with the government sector, which accelerates the process of CSMA certification and the protection of the national natural resources crucial for national economic sustainability.

Corporate collaboration & SOS CP utilization

The Consulting and Advisers department within the OACM provides service for the government and the corporate sector, which refers to the utilisation of the SOS CP system that can reduce the governmental cost in CSMA coastal certification creation and expansion process important for national economic growth and management of natural resources.

The importance of ocean health and sustainability will depend on the collaboration between three stakeholders: Government, Corporate and world organizations such as UN, UNEP, UNWTO, UNESCO and many others. Effectiveness of the preservation of world waters and natural resources will be dependent on the 10 year plan and process of collaboration between those stakeholders. A large part of this is influenced by humankind’s habit changes and the change in the way we treat the oceans, as well as our efficiency in educating and raising awareness through concrete measures. In order to achieve those goals, we must utilise the SOS CP system - based on concrete measures and preservation solutions.

OACM leads in the field of environmental preservation and nation membership growth, which puts the OACM conglomerate on an important path to deliver concrete and tangible results to its members. This leads to the growing importance of world organizations to accelerate the promotion of the SOS CP and nations to accelerate the integration of the system. The SOS CP utilisation has a unique development platform to evolve and become more cost-efficient by gathering valuable information globally from its members and use it to improve the system’s sustainability.

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OACM SOS CP Interactive PPT
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