
World Ocean Council Assembly

World Ocean Council elite members

World Ocean Council Assembly

World Ocean Council is an elite team of high positioned individuals from governmental and corporate sectors, and world organizations, who work to further develop the OACM SOS CP system within the OACM conglomerate. They strive to promote its sustainability and new innovative modern solutions that can help nations with their economic growth through environmental protection -  and teach them how to better manage, protect and preserve natural resources: oceans, lakes and rivers. The World Ocean Council is led by former UNWTO General Secretary Dr Taleb Rifai from Amman, Jordan.

The WOC members are former and current government officials with experience from the tourism industry, finance and sustainability sector, or heads of states, prime ministers, presidents or members of the royal families.

From the corporate sectors, WOC is joined by philanthropists, business sector employees, financial experts and inventors. The World Ocean Council is joined also by world renowned Nobel prize winners in several different sectors who play an essential role in filling out the WOC expertise  circle. They all help to establish a solid platform with access to finance, expertise, governmental and corporate sector benefits to become fully efficient in integrating the OACM SOS CP system globally.

World Ocean Council Assembly 

Once a year, OACM officially organises the World Ocean Council Assembly, when all of the elite teams meet to initiate discussions on environmental topics and the ocean pollution problem, as well as to evaluate the OACM’s global integration and OACM SOS CP implementation in the governmental and corporate sectors, which is crucial for future development and efficiency. The WOC Assembly consists of government, corporate and world organizations officials who are members of OACM or are in the process of OACM integration. The annual WOC Assembly is an important process for creating and developing new global environmental strategies, procedures and regulations in ocean preservation and protection, and many nations who struggle with this problem are very dependent on this process. The Assembly helps nations and governments to integrate new laws and regulations into their own national environmental laws and regulations.

World Ocean Council OACM Member Nation Assembly 

WOC OACM Member Nation Assembly is hosted by OACM each year during the Plastic Ocean Summit, where the government officials (heads of states, corporate CEOs, world organizations presidents and officials, General Secretaries) meet to initiate global improvements in ocean preservation and to adopt new global regulations and strategies aligned with the OACM SOS CP protocol and directives. 

OACM is currently working on a plan to integrate the OACM SOS CP within the G7 and G20 nations as a part of the global acceleration plan to save the oceans and physically minimise the current plastic content in the ocean. One of the goals of OACM Nation Assembly is to promote the OACM’s approach in creating much more efficient collaborations between the governmental and corporate sectors, which is essential for OACM in becoming more efficient on the global level.


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